How To Get Rid of Mice Part 2

To some, mice are cute little creatures, to others, mice are nothing but a pain. Best Pest Control knows that people struggle to get rid of mice once they have entered their home. Last week's blog we had a few ways to help deal with a mice infestation. This week, the best pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks is finishing up that list with a few more methods. If you're mice problem persists, give Best Pest Control and we can take care of it. 

Bait Stations

Bait stations, also known as bait packages, are sealed packets that contain meal or pellets. They typically come in plastic, paper, or cellophane wrapping, which allows the mice to easily gnaw through it and get the fresh bait. The mice that feed on this bait will die. While bait stations are extremely helpful when it comes to getting rid of mice, these types of products are best handled by trained pest management professionals. This will ensure the safety of you, your family, and even your pets.

Poor Sanitation Attracts Mice

Mice only need 3 to 4 grams of food per day to survive. This means that a few crumbs, no matter how big or small, are all they really need to survive. It’s a good idea to vacuum your floors and be sure to wipe down all countertops, eliminate any residue, crumbs and any access to food sources. When storing food, you should store it in glass jars or airtight containers. This will keep mice from chewing through any packaging and having access to a food source. You should always keep your garbage secured. When mice are hungry, they can chew through just about anything.

Start from the Outside

You should remove any debris around the house where mice can hide. You should keep any weeds to a minimum and destroy any nesting areas as you find them. You can help prevent nesting and burrowing by lining your home’s foundation with a strip of heavy gravel. The less debris and clutter you have around your home and yard, the easier it is to spot signs of rodent activity and prevent them from entering your home.

Pets vs. Mice

Many, not all, but many cats love to hunt mice. Some dogs will even join in on the chase. If you have pets, they might be the best way to catch a mouse. If you don’t have a pet, now may be the time to consider one. Many farms use cats to control their mouse population. They’re known as farm or barn cats. Some pets have absolutely no interest in catching mice and we don’t blame them.

Best Pest Control knows how pesky mice can be, especially once they have invaded a home If you’re still having troubles getting rid of mice, give the best pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks a call! 


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