
Showing posts with the label cockroach treatment

Are Cockroaches Hiding in Your Home?

Few things are more frustrating or cringe-worthy than a roach infestation. These persistent pests will make themselves at home in your kitchen, bathroom, and other living spaces as they search for food. Unfortunately, they multiply fast – intensifying the problem. If you’re tired of sharing your home with these disgusting critters, the  best pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks  has listed some of the most common hiding places in your home where cockroaches may be taking shelter. Your Cabinets If you think that cockroaches can’t penetrate cabinets, you are wrong. They can easily sneak into cabinets and even your pantry to feast on any food or crumbs they find. It’s important to regularly clean your pantry and cabinets in order to make them less attractive for cockroaches and other pesky critters. You could also store food items like pasta and pet food in plastic, air-tight containers. This will deter bugs from getting into your food items. Your Computer This may be a weird h...

Cockroaches: 4 Disturbing Facts You Didn't Know

Few things generate a call to Best Pest Control as fast as a roach infestation. These insects may be thought to be only associated with dirty, neglected homes, but often that isn't the case. The Lake of the Ozarks' best pest control company has seen cockroaches in all kinds of places - including clean houses! Here are a few facts surrounding cockroaches. 1. Cockroaches Can Live In Clean Homes Too Cockroaches are often thought to infest only dirty, unkept, and disorganized homes. While they prefer dark and damp places, cockroaches don't particularly have a preference: they can enter even the most pristine of homes. While a home may look like it belongs on a magazine cover, many people bring roaches into their homes by accident. They can enter from cardboard boxes, grocery bags, or ride in from someone else's house. They can also live in the walls! Seeing one cockroach does not necessarily mean you have an infestation. If there isn't an easy food supply or shelter, t...

Which Pests Are Seeking Shelter In Your Home This Winter?

Although we see the majority of pest related problems during the summer, that doesn't mean they are completely gone in the winter. In fact, the cold weather actually makes pests more likely to seek warmth and shelter in your home. So, which pests should we be aware of this winter? Best Pest Control shares with you the most common pests we see throughout the winter months. Rodents During the winter, rodents, such as rats and mice, enter homes more often in search of shelter and warmth. They will find their way in by squeezing through holes the size of a quarter or climbing up drain pipes. Not only are they causing damage to your home by gnawing on furnishings and building materials, they also pose a health risk to your family. Exposure to their urine and droppings can transmit serious diseases such as salmonella, hantavirus and infection. Cockroaches If you were hoping that cockroaches die in the winter, you may not be pleased to find out the truth. Not only do they surviv...

Where are Cockroaches Hiding in Your Home?

Cockroaches are notorious for sneaking up on unsuspecting homeowners and giving a good fright. Best Pest Control knows that it’s awful to see one cockroach in your house, but the thought that there could be, and there probably is, more is more frightening. The best pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks has listed some of the most common hiding places in your home where cockroaches may be taking shelter. Your Cabinets If you think that cockroaches can’t penetrate cabinets, you are wrong. They can easily sneak into cabinets and even your pantry to feast on any food or crumbs they find. It’s important to regularly clean your pantry and cabinets in order to make them less attractive for cockroaches and other pesky critters. You could also store food items like pasta and pet food in plastic, air-tight containers. This will deter bugs from getting into your food items. Your Computer This may be a weird hiding spot, but if you’ve ever eaten while on your computer, there’s a good ...