Protect Your Home From Fleas With Best Pest Control!

Most pet owners know to protect their pets against fleas in the summer months. However, once summer ends, usually so do the preventive measures. In some areas, fall is the worst month for fleas. Because they are resilient parasites, they can survive some pretty brutal environments, meaning you may not be free of them even in winter! If you are finding fleas on your pet, make sure you call the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks . Here are a few things you should know about fleas and proper flea control. Even Healthy Pets Can Get Fleas While a healthy diet is less attractive to fleas, it won't keep them away in heavily infested areas. It is important to make sure your yard is sprayed regularly by a pest control company and use flea repellent on your pets to make sure they don't bring them in from their walks. Humans Can Get Fleas, Too! While it is true that fleas live on pets, they can quickly jump off and find a new home in your carpets, bedding and furniture. ...