5 Springtime Pests To Look Out For

After what seems like forever sitting indoors through the cold winter months, it's hard not to love the fresh sights and sounds of spring. Flowers are in bloom and birds are chirping, but it seems the pesky bugs have joined them as well. Even though there are some insects that can be beneficial to your garden, there are some that really know how to do some damage. A pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks can help identify and treat the ones that like to destroy our outdoor spaces and cause havoc. Here are some things to look out for: Pests in Your Vegetable Garden There are several different types of worms, beetles, and other crawly insects that can feed on a fruitful garden in no time. These insects love a ripe, juicy tomato plant as much as any avid gardener. Defensive measures can be taken such as growing "companion plants" that keep pests away from your main crop. However, once an infestation occurs, redirecting them won't work. A Lake of the Ozar...