Celebrate National Moth Week With Best Pest Control!

The last week in July is National Moth Week! It's a whole week devoted to learning about and observing the different species of moths. Scientists estimate there are 150,000 to more than 500,000 species of moths, and there are quite a few that call the state of Missouri home. To celebrate National Moth Week, here are the different species that are found in Missouri. Cecropia Moth Cecropia Moth These moths may look like butterflies, but they have stout, hairy bodies and feathery antennae. The body is red with a white collar and white bands on the abdomen. From above, the overall color of the wings are dark brown or gray, with a reddish patch at the base of each forewing. The Larvae are large and bluish-green. Banded Tiger Moth The adults usually rest with the wings held over their bodies or flat out to the sides. The forewings are mostly black with cream-colored marking and the hindwings usually have reddish marking and a broad black border. You'll usually see them at...