Avoiding Those Pesky Bed Bugs

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean that all bugs become dormant or inactive. There are some bugs, that regardless of the weather, always seem to cause problems. The best pest control at the Lake ofthe Ozarks knows that one of those bugs is bed bugs. Prevention for bed bugs is important, as they are extremely difficult to get rid on once your home is infested. While it is best to call Best Pest Control once your home is infested, there are a few things you can do yourself, to help minimize the chance of your home getting a bed bug infestation. Don't Bring Them Home If you are traveling, it is a good idea to inspect your hotel mattress for bed bugs before settling in. When you first arrive, inspect the mattress, box spring and any visible parts of the headboard, especially along the edges. Pull back the sheets and look along the ribbing and corners of the mattress and headboard. If you see any signs that they've been around, such as the bugs themselves, little...