5 Interesting Beetle Facts

While we're starting to wind the summer months down, and getting ready for the fall season, pesky bugs are still everywhere you turn. One of the most common pests we see here at the Lake is beetles. From June bugs to Japanese Beetles, they come in all shapes and sizes and they are everywhere. Best Pest Control is sharing with you some interesting facts about the common beetles you'll see around the Lake of the Ozarks. 1. Beetles are the largest group of living organisms. One out of every four animals on earth is a beetle. When you add in plants, one out every five known organisms is a beetle. Scientists have found over 350,000 species of beetles and there are still more to be discovered! Some scientists estimate that there may be as many as 3 million beetle species living on the planet. The order Coleoptera (the insect order the beetles are in) is the largest order in the entire animal kingdom. 2. Beetles are EVERYWHERE! You can find beetles almost anywhere on th...