6 Guinness World Records Involving Insects

This week brings along with it the 60th anniversary of the Guinness Book of World Records . Best Pest Control at the Lake of the Ozarks let this fact inspire us to look up the records that they recorded about insects. All we can say is, we are thrilled that most of these are not found in our area! photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Largest Species of Centipede The giant centipede of Central and South America can grow to 10 inches long. It is also known as the Peruvian giant yellowleg centipede. They feed on mice, lizards, frogs, and some have been known to eat bats. Largest Aquatic Insect The giant water bug can grow to just over 4-1/2 inches long. It is found in Venezuela and Brazil, and it is a meat-eating predator. Greatest Insect Builder The termite earns this honor. In eastern Australia, people found termite mounds that measured 20 feet in height and 100 feet in circumference. Most Bioluminescent Insect Even though a fire...