Kick Off the Official Fall Season with these Events!

We at Best Pest Control are not quite ready for summer to be over just yet, but the season is wrapping up. Our calendars say today is the first official day of the fall season, so we guess it's time to embrace all that fall has to offer. At the Lake of the Ozarks, that's a lot! Check out some of the local events that'll kick off the fall season this weekend! Pumkin Chunkin' Palooza Sep 28, 2019 Ozarks Amphitheater 2629 MO Hwy 5 Camdenton Missouri 65020 Hours of Operation: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Lake of the Ozarks Family-Friendly Fall Event! This year the event will host its first Pumkin Chunkin' Competition! There will be a "Largest Pumpkin Contest" and a"Best Decorated Contest" complete with awesome prizes. Enjoy this and more, complete with great MO microbrews and MO wines and tantalizing foods as you browse through all MO artisans and crafters. Throughout the day the stage will great live music all day. Lots for the young ones to enj...