Fight the Fly Battle with these Simple Tips

Summer is here and so are the flies. Although house flies are mostly harmless, they are very annoying. They are dirty pests and could even make you sick and can sometimes even bite your pets. Don't let flies ruin your summer fun! Best Pest Control has some tips to help you fight back. Clean Counter Surfaces Well To avoid flies, it's best to clean every surface with disinfectant. It's especially important to regularly clean the areas where you eat or cook like the kitchen or table. Bleach base or chlorine base cleaners are the best options. Dispose of Trash Regularly Garbage cans are a fly's favorite breeding ground, so to avoid having flies in or around your home, regularly dispose of indoor waste and ensure the outside receptacle's lid is tightly sealed. Always Cover Food Leaving food out and unexposed is like inviting a fly to a buffet. Always keep food covered, especially if it's left out. It's best to put away food right away in a tight se...