Cockroaches - The Masters At Hide & Go Seek

Cockroaches are pests that most people would rather not think about. For the most part, they are known as gross insects that are known for carrying pathogens that can transmit disease. They are also notorious for sneaking up on unsuspecting homeowners and their looks are frightening. Best Pest Control knows that it’s awful to see one cockroach in your house, but the thought that there could be and there probably is more is more frightening. The best pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks has listed some of the most common hiding places in your home where cockroaches may be taking shelter. Your Cabinets If you think that cockroaches can’t penetrate cabinets, you are wrong. They can easily sneak into cabinets and even your pantry to feast on any food or crumbs they find. It’s important to regularly clean your pantry and cabinets in order to make them less attractive for cockroaches and other pesky critters. You could also store food items like pasta and pet food in plastic,...