Cockroach Fact OR Fiction

Cockroaches are pesky bugs that instill a lot of fear in homeowners. We understand! They are creepy, you don’t see them until it’s too late, they run quick, and can even fly. Best Pest Control knows that cockroaches are pests you never want to encounter inside of your home. When it comes to cockroaches, there are many misconceptions. They are often times associated with dirty and unorganized homes, but that usually isn’t the case. The best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks has seen cockroaches in all kinds of places, even inside of clean houses. Take a look at these common misconceptions about cockroaches and learn how to keep these pesky bugs from invading your home. Cockroaches only invade homes that are dirty and unorganized. FALSE Cockroaches are often thought to infest only dirty homes. While they do prefer dark and damp places, cockroaches don’t have a preference whether the home is dirty or clean. Your home may be clean and in pristine condition, and ...