Raking Leaves For Pest Control!

Although the fall leaves may be beautiful to look at, leaf piles that are left unattended could be home to various pests. The Lake of the Ozarks has been experiencing an unusually warm fall, which means that pests that should be in dormancy are still active, and they are taking shelter within piles of leaves. Your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company takes a look into the importance of proper fall lawn care and how to avoid pests in your yard. Fall Lawn Care Maintenance Proper fall lawn care maintenance is important for the health of your yard. A few leaves (about 10-20% coverage) won't do much damage to your lawn. However, an excessive amount of leaves on your lawn going into the winter season can be bad for several reasons. First, sun rays may not be able to reach the grass, which could hinder the growth in the spring. Second, it could trap in moisture, which could result in mold and fungus. Finally, leaves make the perfect habitat for pests. What Do Leaves...