Tips to Keep Your Home Spider Free

While spiders may not do as much damage as some pests (like termites), we do not like seeing them in our homes. Especially when that spider is dangerous, such as brown recluses or black widows, whose bites can cause severe reactions. Spring is the time when most pests like to come out of their winter hiding and invade our homes. Best Pest Control wants to help you avoid running across a spider in your home this spring. Here are a few tips to help you keep spiders out of your home. Prevent Spiders In Your Home The best way to prevent spiders from getting into your home is to make sure you don't have an environment that attracts them. Spiders will most likely make their homes outside in plants, piles of leaves or wood or undisturbed places like old tires or buckets. When you have these items next to your home, it makes it easier for them to wander inside. If you have these items on your property, make sure to give them some distance between your home to make it les...