Lawn Care Tips for the Fall Season

As we enter the month of September, some of us can't wait to be able to enjoy the cool Fall season. It's just around the corner, after all! As we near a time where leaves will begin to turn and cover the ground, we at Best Pest Control feel it's important to remind you that Fall is the best time prepare your lawn for the dormant winter months. There are a few steps that you can take in the Fall to ensure that you'll have luscious, green grass in the Spring. Rake Up Leaves Leaves are slowly beginning to turn in some areas, which mean that soon they will start to fall. It is important to continuously rake leaves, as leaving them on your lawn can cause some serious damage. Leaves that are left on the lawn blocks light and traps moisture, which could suffocate the grass and potentially be a breeding ground for fungal disease. It is best not to wait until all the leaves have fallen, as the leaves could become wet from rain and morning dew. Continue To Mow...