Best Pest Control Can Help You Solve Your Bed Bug Problem

The holidays have passed, the kids are back in school, and your travel schedule has hopefully slowed down some. As you're finally starting to get back to your normal routine, you may be surprised to find that you've unknowingly established a pest problem over the holidays, and it's just now starting to rear it's creepy little head. We're talking bed bugs. YIKES! While these blood-sucking opportunistic bugs can be difficult to identify, there are signs that you can look for to confirm an infestation, and ways to effectively treat against them. Best Pest Control is sharing with you some info on identifying an infestation and getting rid of them once and for all. How to Check for Bed Bugs Bed bug bites are often misattributed to fleas, spiders and mosquitoes. The best way to check for bed bugs is to examine your bed and furniture. You'll want to look for small specks of blood, especially near seams and crevices. Bed bugs use pheromones to communicate with each ot...