What You Should Know About Bed Bugs

When it comes to choosing their next victim, bed bugs are not picky. Bed bug issues and infestations can take place in many different places. Their preferred shelter is a dark area such as a sofa, bed mattress, or other soft furnishings. These wingless insects feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. As a result, humans make the ideal host for them. The fact that bed bugs can breed successfully in various environments and circumstances, along with their ability to go a long time without eating makes them difficult to eliminate. If you suspect you might have a bed bug issue, it’s best to hire a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks to eradicate them. Best Pest Control can treat bed bugs and eliminate any infestations. Where Are Bed Bugs Found? Bed bugs are not limited to any one specific type of habitat. These pests are found in residential homes, multi-family housing, apartments, hotels, condos, hospitals, schools and college campuses, of...