Spring is the Time to Protect Your Home from Pests

The weather lately may not seem like it, but spring is fully underway! As the weather continues to (hopefully) warm up, many pests will start to become more active and will come out of hiding. Insects like ants, mosquitoes, wasps, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, and even rodents are now preparing to feed, breed, and nest after winter. Unfortunately, as the weather gets warmer, homeowners can find themselves with a pest issue during the spring season. To make sure your home is protected, consider hiring the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks to keep insects and rodents from coming in. Best Pest Control can provide professional treatment plans to help eliminate these critters. Check out this checklist that offers ways to try to prevent them from coming into your home in the first place.

Checklist to Keep Pests Out

  • Seal all crevices and gaps in windows and doors.
  • Clean and maintain air ducts and vents regularly.
  • Fix leaky pipes and any sources of moisture from clogged gutters since this can attract ants and cockroaches.
  • Eliminate all standing water around the house including birdbaths. 
  • Make sure basements, crawlspaces, and attics are dry and well ventilated. 
  • Clean basements and attics of old trash, boxes, and papers, which can harbor rodents.
  • Replace or repair rotten roof shingles to discourage ants and termites from entering.
  • Clean dirty dishes every night and disinfect food preparation surfaces.
  • Remove trash from the house on a regular basis.
  • Secure inside and outside trash containers with a lid.
  • Keep garbage cans and compost piles away from the home.
  • If pests are suspected, launder all fabrics in hot water, including pet bedding, rugs, and slipcovers.
  • Avoid leaving your pet's food bowl out for an extended period of time.
  • Remove any trash or debris from your lawn or garden.
  • Trim plants, bushes, and shrubbery and make sure the branches do not touch the structure of the house.
  • Inspect your home's foundation and seal any cracks since this is an easy access point for pests.
  • Fence your flower and vegetable gardens to keep rodents from invading them.
  • Do not allow wood to touch or lean against the home and raise it off the ground if possible.

Avoid Infestation By Being Prepared

Pest prevention is the best way to eliminate any potential pest infestation. Once pests infest your home, they can cause major damage. Not only are they unpleasant (and possibly dangerous) to live with, but the damage can be costly if repairs or replacements are needed. With the help of a Lake of the Ozarks pest control company, some minor home repairs, and proper sanitation, homeowners can be prepared for spring pests. By adding these extra items to your spring cleaning 'to-do' list, the effort will be worth it in the long run. Don’t let your home be invaded by troublesome pests.

 Best Pest Control Can Combat Spring Critters

To make sure your home is ready for spring, contact Best Pest Control. We have the proper defenses against insects and rodents that can enter your home. Ask us about getting on a regular schedule so you can eliminate persistent pests and your worries! Give the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call today for a free estimate.


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573-348-1600 in Osage Beach


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