Ways To Control Mosquitoes This Summer

The mosquitoes are out and about here at the Lake of the Ozarks. Mosquitoes are often out in the early mornings and evening hours. If you'll be spending time outside during these hours, you'll want to make sure you don't get bitten by these pesky pests. Sometimes, it takes more than bug spray to keep these pests at bay. Luckily, Best Pest Control can spray your backyard to get rid of these and other annoying summer pests. In addition, Lake of the Ozarks' Best Pest Control company has some tips on how you can avoid having mosquitoes flying around your home this summer. 1. Remove standing water. After rain storms, ensure there is no water that has collected around the house. Tires, buckets, flower pots, toys and trash containers can collect water, which makes for the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. 2. Clean bird baths often. Bird baths are a great way to attract beautiful birds to your home and give them a place to cool down during the hot summer days....