5 Pests You'll Likely Run Across this Summer

Summer is the time when everyone is out and about, and that includes the bugs! Having a Lake of the Ozarks pest control company come out and spray your home regularly can help control these summer pests. Although you should have your home sprayed before the start of the summer season, it is not too late! Best Pest Control can take care of all your pest control needs, including these 5 annoying insects you spot this time of the year. Japanese Beetles Japanese beetles emerge as adults in late June or early July, and they are very destructive. They are skeletonizers as they feed on the soft foliage of trees and bushes. However, there’s never just one. They feed in groups of at least 25 beetles. They will mate and lay eggs until mid-August. Making sure these pests are under control in the summer is important as the larvae eat the roots of grasses in the winter months. Ants Ants are probably the number one pest control problem in the country. They ...