Weeds Found in Missouri

Has your lawn been taken over by weeds? The best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks can help! Best Pest Control does more than just get rid of bugs. In addition to pest control, Best Pest Control can also spray weeds, treat lawns, clean gutters and more! There are many different types of weeds that grow in Missouri. No matter the type of weeds you have, we can help you restore your lawn to its former glory.

Missouri Weeds

A lawn weed is any plant that is not wanted in the lawn or in another unwanted place. There are two different varieties of weeds found in Missouri: broadleaf and grass-like.

Broadleaf Weeds

Broadleaf weeds are easy to identify as they look different than grass. They are also easier to control since they are also physiologically different than grass. Selective weed control methods will kill the weeds and not the grass.

Broadleaf Plantain – This weed has leaves that are oval with distinctive parallel veins. They have flowers and stems that are stiffly upright and leafless. This fibrous-rooted plant tolerates repeated mowing and trampling.

Fleabane – A dusky green weed with narrow oval leaves and a daisy-like flower. This weed is narrow and upright right, and can grow to be three to five feet tall.

Ragweed – This bushy, upright weed can grow up to three feet tall. The leaves have long, prominent stems and are hairy on the upper surface. Seeds are displayed on spikes at the ends of branches.

Grass-like Weeds

Grass-like weeds are a little harder to identify as they look very similar to desirable grass. Once grass-like weeds appear, they are very difficult to get rid of since they’re in the same family as regular grass. Any lawn care practices to encourage good grass will also improve the growth and development of the grass-like weeds.

Brome – This weed typically grows upright, with leaf blades that are typically pale green with soft hairs.

Crabgrass – This weed grows in clumps that are often spreading, but sometimes it grows upright to two feet. Stems are flat and may have a purple cast. The leaves are also flat and up to eight inches long, with a prominent midvein and are hairy on both sides. The seed heads are in spikes up to five inches long.

Smutgrass – This weed is a clumping grass with narrow leaves that are clustered at the base. The seed head is a foot long and open, with a black substance clinging to the stems.

Control The Weeds in Your Lawn with Best Pest Control

Whether you need help with pest or weed control, Best Pest Control is here for you. Our expert team is trained to “get rid” of these annoyances. You can trust the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks to help you with your lawn care maintenance. If your lawn has a weed control problem, give us a call at 573-348-1600 today!


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573-348-1600 in Osage Beach
573-873-1118 in Sunrise Beach


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