6 Summer Pests To Keep At Bay

Summer seems to wake us all up and get us out and about.  Sadly, bugs feel the same way about this season. Having a pest control expert visit your home regularly is always wise, but especially necessary in the Summer. Taking measures to keep all of these pests away before they actually show up can make it a lot easier to control them when they are around in large numbers.  

Best Pest Control can take care of all of your Lake of the Ozarks pest control needs.  Here are a few of the annoying bugs that could give you extra trouble during these warm months.  


These annoying creatures start up in the Spring and don't go away until after the first freeze right before consistently cold weather. They especially love any type of standing water, so bird baths, over watered plants, and even pet's water dishes need to be changed regularly to help keep mosquitoes at bay. 


Ants hibernate all winter, so when they wake up in the Spring they are extremely hungry. They immediately begin their search for food and water, and will eat nearly anything from grease on the stove to bits of sugar dropped from your morning coffee cup. Once an ant finds something tasty, he brings along the rest of his colony to pick up the scraps. They especially love kitchens because of the food, but they also favor bathrooms because there is plenty of water in there for them. If you have pets, their food dishes are also tempting for ants. 


It is so very nice when the weather warms up and we can get outside more and leave our windows open. Unfortunately, flies love it when our doors and windows are open too. They reproduce only in warmer months, lending to the increase in their population. They will mostly be found hanging out around your trash cans and any food items that are left out.

Fruit Flies

These are usually tinier than regular house flies. Fruit Flies are attracted to sugary, organic materials. While they are very often found around fruit, they can also be attracted to meat, trash bins, and large spills of sugary liquids. Summer brings along with it lots of fresh fruits, and people love to leave these out in bowls on kitchen counters and tabletops. If the fruit is there for an extended period of time, these little guys will most likely be moving in.


We see a lot of ticks in the Summer because we are generally outdoors more when the weather is warm. They cannot fly or jump, so you will only have one attach to you if it crawls on to you or drops from above. Always be sure to give yourself a good once-over after being outside so that you can remove them as soon as possible.


Warmth and humidity in the Summer speeds up a flea's life cycle, meaning lots more fleas. If you do not treat your pets regularly in the Summer, eggs may drop off of their fur when the walk through your home. Once these hatch, you could quickly and easily become infested. Once that happens, it takes a lot of time and effort to get rid of them.     

Planning ahead is a great way to keep these pests under control.  Our experienced technicians at Best Pest Control at the Lake of the Ozarks know exactly what to do to make these creatures want to keep away from your home.  Give us a call and let us tell you all about what we can do for you.    


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