5 Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Yard

The Summer weather makes people want to be out in their yard, but unfortunately, the mosquitoes want to be there too.  Best Pest Control knows a few tricks and tips that can help to keep these annoying bugs from spoiling your outdoor fun.  

1.  Light citronella candles

Mosquitioes hate the smell of citronella oil, making these candles a wonderfully effective way to keep them at bay.  A few placed strategically around your yard and picnic area should reduce the amount of mosquitoes nipping at you and your guests.

2. Use lavender oil

The scent of lavender is another one that mosquitoes cannot stand, but most humans enjoy the fragrance.  Using a lavender essential oil in a body lotion or oil will make you smell good and help to repel the bugs.

3.  Grow plants that mosquitoes hate

There are quite a few plants that can be grown around your yard or patio that naturally repel these pests.  A few of these are:  lemongrass, citronella, catnip, geraniums, marigolds, lavender, rosemary, garlic, and peppermint.  

4. Turn on a fan

Mosquitoes are not strong flyers, so placing a fan somewhere near where you are can keep them away.  Even on low, the airflow from the fan will not allow them to fly close enough to bother the area around it.  A really great place to have one is near the food for your picnic or barbecue.

5. Remove standing water

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.  Be sure to empty any containers that have collected rain after a big storm.  If you have a bird bath, change the water weekly.  Pet dishes are also something to keep an eye on.

These things should help to keep the mosquito population around your home at a minimum.  If you are experiencing a problem that seems to be out of control, be sure to give the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call.  Best Pest Control can come out and take care of all kinds of pests and animals that are troubling you.  Try a few of these tricks, and enjoy the outdoors as much as possible this Summer.


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