4 Pests You Might Encounter this Winter in Your Home

Winter time means good riddance to pest problems, right? Actually... that's not quite accurate. Although we see the majority of pest related problems during the summer, that doesn't mean they are completely gone in the winter. In fact, the cold weather actually makes pests more likely to seek warmth and shelter in your home. So, which pests should we be aware of this winter? Best Pest Control shares with you the most common pests we see throughout the winter months.

1. Rodents
During the winter, rodents, such as rats and mice, enter homes more often in search of shelter and warmth. They will find their way in by squeezing through holes the size of a quarter or climbing up drain pipes. Not only are they causing damage to your home by gnawing on furnishings and building materials, they also pose a health risk to your family. Exposure to their urine and droppings can transmit serious diseases such as salmonella, hantavirus and infection.

2. Cockroaches
If you were hoping that cockroaches die in the winter, you may not be pleased to find out the truth. Not only do they survive the freezing temperatures of the winter months, but they do so by seeking shelter as close to humans as they can. In their quest for food, they can fit through some of the smallest openings like the tiny gaps around doors and windows. They usually make a nest around the kitchen and bathroom. Unfortunately, keeping them away can sometimes be a challenge, and they are almost impossible to eliminate without the help of a professional.

3. Spiders
After a long summer of feeding on insects, spiders typically head indoors seeking shelter from the cold. Although most house spiders are harmless, we still don't like them inside our homes and weaving their webs in the dark corners of the house waiting for prey. If you do see several spiders in your home, this could be the sign that you have other insects seeking shelter as well and it's best to call a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks to spray your home.

4. Wildlife
In addition to rodents, spiders and cockroaches, squirrels and raccoons can easily find their way inside your house and take up residence in the attic. Both of these critters are excellent climbers and will gladly make themselves comfortable in the warm, dry attic during the winter months. They do, however, still need food and water, so you'll probably hear them coming in and out through the chimney, vent, roof holes and other openings.

Winter is definitely not the time to let your guard down when it comes to pest control. While they may be less active during this time of the year, that doesn't mean they are completely gone. The warmth and comfort of your home is an open invitation to all sorts of pests, from rodents to spiders. Make sure you're ready to fight back by calling the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks. If you find pests in your home, call Best Pest Control at 573-348-1600.


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