Keep Wasps Away with Best Pest Control

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, which for many means outdoor celebrations and barbecues with the family. Many folks around the Lake consider this weekend the official kick off of the summer season. Unfortunately, with the nice weather, comes pesky wasps. Wasps swarming around your home is not something you want happening while enjoying the beautiful weather. Best Pest Control at the Lake of the Ozarks wants to help you enjoy your summer without any pests crashing the party. If you think wasps have made themselves at home, Best Pest Control has a few tips to help get rid of them and keep them away.

Do You Have A Wasp Infestation?

Seeing one or two wasps flying around your home could be unnerving, but how do you know when it's turned into an infestation? Locating the nest is the best way to figure out that these wasps have made themselves at home. These nests can be hidden or in plain sight. If the nest is hidden, you may notice the wasps flying in and out of a small opening in your home. Some wasps will even build their nest in the ground near garden or plants.

How To Control

If you spot wasps, or an active wasps nest, in or around your home, the best way to get rid of them is to call a professional Lake of the Ozarks pest control company. Wasps will use their stinger to defend themselves when they feel threatened. While you may not have intended to threaten them, invading their space will put them on defense. Stings can be dangerous, especially if the person being stung is allergic. The best way to avoid a wasp sting is to have them safely removed from your home by a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Keep Them Away

The best way to keep wasps away is to remove anything the wasps might be attracted to, from leftover picnic food to making sure your trash cans are tightly sealed. Take a walk around your home and check for any areas that may need repair. Broken panels or siding, gaps in soffits and other crevices are perfect homes for potential wasp nest. In addition, do a yard check and search for any rodent holes or potential burrows for wasps to make a home in and if they're unoccupied, fill the hole with dirt or debris.

Outside spaces, such as patios, porches, decks, gardens and docks are used most during the summer months, and unfortunately, wasps like to hang out there as well. Keep your friends and family safe this summer and still be able to enjoy these areas by calling the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks. If you see a wasp or wasps nest around your home, don't wait to address the problem, call Best Pest Control at 573-348-1600 and leave it to the professionals to safely remove the wasps from your home.


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573-348-1600 in Osage Beach
573-873-1118 in Camdenton


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