Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!

With all the traveling you'll be doing and all of the visitors you'll be hosting for the holidays, you run the risk of unknowingly hosting an unwanted guest: bed bugs. Too often these insects remain hidden, leaving you and your family at risk. Lake of the Ozarks' best pest control company is ready to treat your bed bug problem, but how can you tell if you have an issue? Best Pest Control has put together this list of things to help you determine if you have a bed bug problem.

How to Check for Bed Bugs

Bed bug bites are often misattributed to fleas, spiders and mosquitoes. The best way to check for bed bugs is to examine your bed and furniture. You'll want to look for small specks of blood, especially near seams and crevices. Bed bugs use pheromones to communicate with each other. Therefore, if you can smell a sweet and musty odor, you may have an infestation. 

Identifying the Bite

Bedbugs and fleas leave similar bites, but there's one main difference.  Fleas bite in random places, meaning you'll have red welts all over your body, each with a single bite mark inside. Bed bugs bite in clusters, leaving lines and multiple raised red welts near each other.

Treating a Bed Bug Bite

If you discover some bed bug bites on your children or yourself, there are a few options. If they are simply red and itchy, you can wash them with soap and water to reduce the symptoms If it continues, an over-the-counter corticosteroid cream can be used to eliminate the itch. Serious bites that leave blisters or hives can get infected. These should be seen by a dermatologist - you may be seeing an allergic reaction!

How to Treat a Bed Bug Infestation

The problem with a pest you can't easily see is that treating them can be a guessing game. We suggest washing all the clothes and bedding in the affected rooms, along with using a stiff brush to dislodge eggs from furniture and other surfaces. Vacuum all furniture with texture as well to reduce the chances of a re-infestation. 

Best Pest Control can Help You Solve Your Bed Bug Problem

The problem with bed bugs is that you can never tell if they're completely gone. We recommend a combination of washing all the bedding and clothes, along with a treatment by the best pest technicians at Lake of the Ozarks - don't watch your loved ones continue to get bitten due to accidentally missing a spot when cleaning. Let the best exterminators in the Lake area assist you in keeping your family and friends safe from bed bugs this holiday season.


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