Insects Are All Around Us

Were you fascinated with bugs when you were a kid? Are you still fascinated with bugs as an adult? Best Pest Control understands this fascination. There is an entire world made up of billions of insects and whether we like it or not, they are all around us. Scientists estimate 7-30 million species of organisms (including discovered and undiscovered) living on Earth. There are only about 2 million species of organisms on Earth that have been named and 97% of all organisms on Earth are invertebrates (insects make up most of this list). In the United States, most insect species are included in four groups: beetles, flies, ants/bees/wasps, and moths/butterflies. The best pest control company has some interesting insect facts for you to enjoy.

  • A ladybug might eat more than 5,000 insects in its lifetime.
  • Mosquitoes are the deadliest insect on Earth. They kill more than 800,000 humans and they sicken millions of people each year. They do this through malaria, dengue, West Nile, Zika, and other diseases and viruses. Only female mosquitos drink blood – the protein is used to develop eggs.
  • Spiders and ticks aren’t insects. Spiders and ticks are in Class Arachnida (insects are in Class Insecta) and have 8 legs (insects only have 6 legs).
  • Some insects use chemical camouflage to “hide in plain sight” from predators. Other insects have adapted ways to blend into the environment, evolving color patterns and/or using aspects of the environment to “decorate” themselves in order to remain hidden.
  • The silk of a giat riverine orb spider is ten times stronger than Kevlar. Kevlar is the material used in bulletproof vests.
  • Dragonflies are amazing predators with up to 97% success at capturing prey. They are known for their appetite for mosquito larvae and adults. Because of this, dragonflies are beneficial to human health.
  • Without bees and their pollination, people of the world would not have enough fruits and vegetables to eat.
  • Moths can smell each other from miles away.
  • A cockroach can survive for weeks without its head. This is because cockroaches don’t need their brains to breathe or move. Those functions are controlled by organs found in other parts of their body. They also won’t bleed to death like we would when our heads are cut. The wound would just clot like any other wound. 
  • The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn it’s head 360 degrees. It’s also the only bug that has only one ear.
  • The phrase “an army of ants” is more fitting than you may think. Ants are one of the only three species on earth that fight battles in formations.

We are surrounded by many insects that have such unique characteristics. Best Pest Control wants you to know that while most bugs are harmless and important, there are some that are just pests. No matter what type of bugs you are fighting, the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks can get them under control. 


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