When are Mosquitoes Most Active?

Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes seem to be more active during certain seasons or even during certain times of the day? Here at Best Pest Control, we have those answers for you. The best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks has put together some information so you can get to know more about these pesky bugs. With over 176 mosquito species in the United States and over 3,000 species world wide, knowing when these insects are the most active can help you and your family avoid them.

Time of Year

Once the temperatures begin to decrease, the number of mosquitoes start to decrease as well. Mosquitoes don’t like to be exposed to temperatures that fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Once fall rolls around, you won’t have to worry about those annoying insects as much.

In some mosquito species, the adults themselves overwinter by relocating to environments that will help protect them from the cold weather. These environments include places like sewers, cellars, and caves. Other mosquito species overwinter their eggs which then hatch the following spring when temperatures start to rise.

Regardless of a how a mosquito deals with the winter season, they start to reappear when temperatures are consistently over 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Areas that have mild winters usually see mosquitoes reappear sooner than areas with harsh winters.

Time of Day

The activity level of a mosquito depends largely on its species type. Some may be more active during the night, while some may be more active during the day.

Mosquitoes in the genus Culex are mainly active at night time. Some mosquito species in the genus Aedes are active during the day and they tend to aggressively bite humans more during the morning and late afternoon hours. Anopheles mosquitoes are active during nighttime, dawn, and dusk.

Mosquitoes across all different species tend to be more active during dusk.

Interesting Facts

  • Mosquitoes are most closely related to flies, gnats, and midges.
  • Only female mosquitoes bite. They require nutrition that is found in blood to begin producing and laying their eggs.
  • In order to assist with proper feeding, when a mosquito bites, they deploy anticoagulants. The human immune system responds to this by releasing histamines. This can cause redness, swelling, and itching that is associated with mosquito bites.
  • Although scientists are still searching for reasons why, studies suggest that consuming alcohol makes you a more attractive target for hungry mosquitoes.
  • The lifespan of a female mosquito is typically anywhere from two to four weeks compared to the one to two weeks lifespan for a male mosquito.

Even though completely avoiding mosquitoes isn’t likely, Best Pest Control is here to help. Knowing when mosquitoes are most active can help you avoid these pesky insects. If you’ve noticed an increase in mosquitoes at your home, the best pest control company at Lake of the Ozarks can help. Our technicians know how to properly treat pests that can cause problems for you and your family. To learn more about our services, call us at 573-348-1600.


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