Tell Tale Signs Of Pest Infestations

If you are a homeowner, you will most likely deal with a pest infestation in your life. Whether it's an infestation of termites or an ant infestation, pests will seek out shelter from the elements and enter your home. However, because the list of pests that can invade your home is almost never ending, how are we supposed to know what's bugging us? Sometimes we see them, but sometimes it's not that easy. Lake of the Ozarks' best pets control company offers a few tell-tale signs that your home is infested.


There are two insects that will leave behind their wings after swarming to find a new nest - termites and ants. One can be annoying, while the other can cause a lot of structural damage to your home. So you will want to know quickly who's leaving the wings behind and nesting in your home. Luckily, it's pretty easy to spot the difference between the two. With termites, their wings are both equal in size, while ants have one big wing and one smaller wing. If you happen to see one flying around, take a look at their antennae. Termites have straight antennae and ants have a bend in theirs. 

Structural Damage/Saw Dust

Both termites and carpenter ants can take up residence in your home and cause structural damage. However, termites eat the wood, while carpenter ants carve it out to make their homes. If you are seeing piles of sawdust in your home, take a closer look at the holes and tunnels themselves. If they are ragged and dirty, it may be termites. If it's clean, tidy and smooth, it could be carpenter ants. 


Although you may not find them hanging out in them, spiders will leave behind their sign with a web. While every spider will leave behind a unique web, the two you should be on the lookout for are brown recluse spiders and black widows. A brown recluse's web is not made for trapping, so it's built as a home. You'll find them under sinks, in piles of firewood, in garages and even in your shoes, and they are typically messy and disorganized. Black widows will use their web to trap their food. you'll typically find them in more strategic locations, such as wood piles, out houses and other similar spots. They webs are also messy and don't follow the classic pattern, but they're less globular than a brown recluse web and tend to be horizontal and stratified. 


There are many pests that will leave behind droppings that let you know they're around your home. Rodents will not only leave behind droppings, but they will also eat food or paper that have been left out. Cockroaches will also leave behind droppings, and they are frequently mistaken for mouse droppings. However, you can tell the difference between the two by scent or noise. Cockroaches produce clicking and chirping noises, as well as unpleasant smell or odor. 

Best Pest Control is your source for all things pests. Our expert technicians can protect you from all the pests that affect central Missouri. We offer a full range of weed control, animal control and pest control services at the Lake of the Ozarks. If you think your home has been invaded by pests, call the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks at 573-348-1600.


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