How to Control Mosquitoes This Summer

It is officially mosquito season at the Lake of the Ozarks. If you will be spending most of your early mornings or evening hours outside, you will want to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. Sometimes it takes more than bug spray to keep these pests at bay. Best Pest Control can spray your backyard and get rid of these annoying summer pests. In addition, the best pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks also has some tips on how you can keep the mosquitos at bay this summer.

Preventing Mosquitos

Mosquitos can lay their eggs in water, and not much water at that. A Frisbee or even a plastic water bottle cap can hold enough water for them to breed. To avoid mosquitos from laying their eggs, take the following steps:

- Find and remove any puddles of water or standing water around your home.

- Punch a hole in any unusable tires laying in the yard to prevent pools of water forming inside them.

- Dump and wipe out your bird bath every few days. The eggs can stick to the bottom of the bowl and survive in dry periods.

- Regularly clean your swimming pool.

Controlling Mosquitos

- Keep grass and shrubs trimmed short.

- Keep window and door screens in good condition.

- If possible, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants or even pesticide-treated clothing while outdoors.

- Use mosquito traps, such as bug zappers

- Plant mosquito repelling plants around your home, such as rose-scented geraniums, lemon balm and catnip.

Control Mosquitos with Best Pest Control

The easiest way to control mosquitos is with a mosquito control treatment from Best Pest Control. Your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company can protect you from all the annoying summer pests. Keeping your lawn maintained and weeds controlled is one way to keep the mosquitos away from your backyard, and Best Pest Control can help you with their landscaping and weed control services as well. Call 573-348-1600 today for more information!


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573-348-1600 in Osage Beach
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