Don't Let Missouri Insects and Pests Threaten You and Your Home

The weather has warmed up and if you are opening up doors and windows to let fresh air in, you are most likely welcoming more creepy crawly insects and pests into your home as well. As a result of the continental climate, Missouri has varied temperatures and levels of precipitation. This along with the mild winter we experienced, leads to varying pest problems. One of the first steps toward preventing pests in your home is knowing which ones are common in your area, when to expect them, and the kind of damage they can cause. The best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks can evaluate the types of insects and pests that are invading your home and deter them from re-entering.  Below Best Pest Control lists some common pests and insects found in Missouri:

Bed Bugs

Like most of the United States, bed bugs can be a major problem in Missouri. With increased travel and many vacation rental properties in the area, bed bugs are common and can be a challenge to get rid of. They tend to hide in groups in places like mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards, where they have easy access to bite people in the night. Bed bugs can survive over a year without any food, meaning the only way to get rid of these pests is by eliminating them all. This typically requires the help of a professional.


Missouri is home to over 300 species of spiders. They live in practically every type of habitat. Many dread the mere thought of a spider. Most spider venom is harmless to humans, but may cause temporary discoloration, irritation, or swelling similar to a mosquito bite. Fortunately, there are relatively few spiders that can pierce human skin. The two spiders that are known in Missouri to be potentially harmful to humans are the brown recluse and the black widow. Both can bite humans, which can cause severe pain and infection. Deaths from black widow bites are rare and there are no proven deaths from brown recluse bites. Deaths linked to spider bites usually occur in individuals who have allergic reactions or immune deficiencies to the spider's venom.  


There are three main species of ticks to be aware of in Missouri. The American dog tick is very prevalent and is known to carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can be deadly. The lonestar tick is another common type, which may also carry spotted Rocky Mountain fever and possibly Lyme disease. Lastly, the deer tick is a carrier of Lyme disease and poses serious health threats to humans. Be aware of flu-like symptoms and a redness around the bite. Ticks are very common in late spring to early fall, and can be brought inside on pets or humans.

Stinging Insects

Yellowjackets and hornets are two of the most problematic and stinging insects in Missouri. The two types of yellowjackets common to the state are the Eastern yellowjacket and the Southern yellowjacket. These insects make their nest underground, but will encounter humans in their search for food. They can become become aggressive and sting as a defense mechanism. Hornets are another serious threat. The European and the baldfaced hornets feed off of other insects. They typically remain outdoors, but sometimes the European hornets make their nests indoors which is when they can become a serious problem.

Best Pest Control Can Combat Missouri's Insects

Missouri is home to a diverse array of pests and insects. Don't let them take up residence in your home and threaten you and your family. Let the #1 Pest Control Company in Missouri prevent them from entering your home and causing damage. Best Pest Control can find a solution for all of the pests and insects that creep and crawl in Missouri!


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573-348-1600 in Osage Beach
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