Best Pest Idioms Part 1

Bugs and pests don't just invade our homes, they enter our speech as well! We have several phrases in the English language that reflect our relationship with insects. The most trusted pest control company in Mid-Missouri may eliminate bugs, but bug phrases seem to still linger in our vocabulary. You may have used one of these idioms before, but you may not be entirely sure where it came from. We've chosen 3 of our favorite pest related idioms and looked up their history!

Crazy as a Bed Bug

To act insane or crazy; to not make any sense.

Possible History and Origin

Bed bugs are known to infest sheets and linens surrounding a bed. People in the past believed that these bugs originated from the ground, so they surrounded their beds with pots of water in vain attempts to prevent being bitten by bed bugs. Unfortunately, the bugs climbed to the ceiling and fell onto the bed to avoid the water. This crazy bed bug behavior is where the phrase started. How it became attributed to humans, pets, and silly antics is unknown.

Cute as a Bug's Ear

Very cute, in a delicate and pretty way.

Possible History and Origin

While we don't think there's anything particularly cute about a bug's ear, the phrase has been used as an American idiom to describe small pretty features. This turn of phrase is commonly used to describe small pets, babies, and young children. The earliest known usage of this phrase is from the early 20th century in a news publication out of Maryland, United States. 

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

To be wrapped tightly in a warm, comfortable way.

Possible History and Origin

This playful phrase is commonly used to describe children and pets who snuggle up into the many layers of warm blankets to keep warm.  While originally coined in 1772, the phrase has been adapted from a sad poem and letter written to a young girl whose pet squirrel had died. It read,
"I lament with you most sincerely the unfortunate End of poor Mungo: Few Squirrels were better accomplish’d; for he had had a good Education, had travell’d far, and seen much of the World. As he had the Honour of being for his Virtues your Favourite, he should not go like common Skuggs without an Elegy or an Epitaph. Let us give him one...
Here Skugg
Lies snug
As a Bug
In a Rug...
If you wish it, I shall procure another to succeed him. But perhaps you will now choose some other Amusement.
Remember me affectionately to all the good family, and believe me ever your affectionate
Yes, this phrase came from Ben Franklin - possibly after the incident with the kite and electricity. (Source: This Day in Quotes)

Best Pest Control Will Help You with Your Pest Control Needs

The idioms we use have a long history, with snug as a bug in a rug originating nearly 250 years ago! As the language evolved over time, so did our interpretations of phrases, changing to fit modern times. The one thing that has stayed constant; however, is the need to eliminate/control critters that enter our homes. The #1 pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks is dedicated to helping you prevent or eradicate any pests that come your way. Contact Best Pest Control for all your pest control needs.

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