Keep Your Lawn Looking Good All Summer Long!

The summer heat can take a toll on your yard, especially when it's not being taken care of properly. If you mow too low, over water, under water, or ignore the signs of pests, your lawn could quickly become lifeless and possibly die in small or large patches. Best Pest Control has a few steps you can follow to help you prevent this from happening to your lawn.

1. Mow at the right height. In the summer, it's important to make sure not to mow your lawn too short. However, you don't want it to be too tall either. If you don't mow your lawn enough, becomes lanky and thin. Tall grass is also a place for insects like grubs to hide. Grass that is too tall is also tough to mow. It's recommended to never remove more than one-third of the leaf surface at any one mowing. During periods of peak growth, expect to mow grass once every 5-7 days.

2. Don't over water your lawn. For healthy grass, it's best to water your lawn deeply and infrequently. Lawns need roughly one inch of water per week, and more when the heat is severe. It's best to water your lawn in the early morning to reduce evaporation and fungal growth. It's best to water your lawn regularly and deeply or not at all. Don't let your grass go brown and dormant, then try to water it back to green. If your lawn goes dormant in the summer, let it stay that way until the fall. It should recover once the weather changes.

3.Use sharpened blades to mow the lawn. Dull lawn mower blades can sometimes cause more harm than good. They can tear the grass, which creates ragged, brown edges that provide an opening for disease organisms. It's best to sharpen the blades after 10 hours of mowing. It's also a good idea to purchase a second pair of blades so you'll always have a sharp blade at hand.

4. Tackle the weeds. Weeds often indicate the sign of a more serious issue with your lawn. Proper lawn care is the key to preventing weeds. However, if you do find weeds, summer is the best season to take care of them. It's best to remove them before they bloom and disperse seeds for next year.

5. Treat for pests. Japanese Beetles and June Bugs lay their eggs in the grass. Once the eggs hatch and turn into grubs, they eat the grass roots. This could cause a lot of damage to your lawn. It's also a good idea to get your yard sprayed for other pests that bother us during the summer, such as fleas and ticks.

Summer heat can get the best of our yard, so fight back with these tips. If you need help taking care of your lawn, Best Pest Control also offers lawn care services at the Lake of the Ozarks. As your Lake of the Ozarks pests control company, we not only treat pests, we can also treat your yard. If your lawn needs help, call 573-348-1600 today!


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