5 OVERSIZED Bugs that Missouri (Thankfully) Doesn’t Have

In Missouri, we're lucky that our bugs and spiders aren't as giant as some of their worldly counterparts. At the best pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks, we're glad we don't have to deal with some of the monster-sized insects found all over the world. Best Pest Control has put together this list of world record sized bugs to remind you that thanks to preventive pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks, you will hopefully never see bugs this big.

Giant Weta

The giant weta is one of the world's largest insects and resembles an overgrown cricket/cockroach hybrid. This insect is relatively harmless and is rarely found outside it's incredibly isolated island home. They can weigh as much as 2.5 oz and are as long as 4 inches, making it the heaviest known insect in the world.

Tarantula Hawk 

This hand sized horror is the state insect of New Mexico and comes by its name honestly - it eats tarantulas. Their stingers can be as long as 1/3 of an inch and the sting is rated as one of the most painful in the world. Luckily, this creature is relatively docile, preferring its diet of flower nectar and tarantulas.

Japanese Giant Hornet

This abominable creature is not only large, but violent. If aggravated, this living missile can chase a person for up to 3 miles. It has a wingspan of 2.4 inches and loves the taste of honey, making it a natural pest to bee farmers across most of Asia. When one hornet stings something , it sends out a pheromone signal to the rest of the hive to target its victim - making this pest incredibly dangerous for people and other animals alike.

Giant Camel Spider

If you find yourself in a desert setting, check your surroundings - camel spiders love to crawl into dark spaces! While not actually spiders, this insect elicits high amounts of fear due to its appearance. It can grow to 6 inches, and is indigenous to most desert regions around the world - the Southwestern United States included. Don't worry, they aren't venomous, and rarely attack humans.

Titan Beetle

The Titan Beetle is a huge shelled creature - growing up to 7 inches! Their jaws are strong enough to snap pencils, which shows that their bite could cause some serious damage. Rather than simply attacking when provoked, this large insect hisses, emitting a warning sound before it attacks.

Best Pest Control is Glad You Don't Have to Deal with Oversized Pests!

Missouri may have wild weather (daily), but the bugs are bug sized - no giants, no monsters. If you find yourself facing off against bugs of any size, you can rest easy knowing the best pest control company in Missouri can eliminate your problem. Call Best Pest Control at 573-348-1600 or 573-873-1118 for a free estimate to protect your home from the critters and insects found at the Lake of the Ozarks.


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573-348-1600 in Lake Ozark
573-873-1118 in Sunrise Beach


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